Tuesday, June 18, 2024



11935 kHz AGAIN!

Well, it had to happen. After monitoring the faulty transmitter of the Republic of Yemen - Radio Sana'a, the Saudi engineers finally got around to fixing the problem....whatever the problem was! About 24 hours after I posted my monitoring research on this blog, all of a sudden, the obnoxious, buzzing transmitted audio finally disappeared. Now we have good, clear audio and a strong signal.

I first noticed this issue in August 2023, and posted this video evidence below:

The buzzing appeared to be an intermittent fault. But, when it was there, it made listening impossible. Some believed that it was jamming. I was not so sure! The 120 Hz spacing of the harmonics was not something I had seen before. So, in late May and early June, I did some sustained monitoring over a week. You can read my last post 11935 kHz - Strange Goings-On! for how I came to deduce that this was a transmitter fault and not the work of jammers.

As luck would have it, 24 hours after making that post, and after ten months of on-again-off-again buzzing noise, the fault seemed to disappear - permanently (....we hope!). In the past two weeks of regular monitoring of the frequency, I have not once heard any buzzing.

Was it something I said? 😉😄 
Here is an example of a much cleaner signal, recorded today, June 18, just after sign-on at 0403 UTC from the Cyprus remote Kiwi SDR.

So, why did it take so long to repair the transmitter? We will probably never know. Perhaps it was a problem accessing replacement parts.

Anyway, there it is. Case closed! For now!

73 and good DX to you all,

Rob Wagner VK3BVW

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© Rob Wagner, Mount Evelyn DX Report, and contributors 2012-2024

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