Sunday, July 7, 2024




And what's left?

Thirty years ago, Brazil was considered one of the primary countries utilizing shortwave broadcasts. The country is so vast, with many mountainous, remote, and inaccessible regions, that many broadcasters considered shortwave to be an ideal communication mode to reach citizens. These days, there are seven regular broadcasters left who are still using the platform, plus a handful of occasional come-and-go reactivations. 

So, it was disappointing to receive news from active Brazilian DXer Uender Marques that Super Rede Boa Vontade (a.k.a. Radio Boa Vontade) had closed down its usual 6160, 9550 and 11895 kHz outlets. Speaking to the station’s technician, Uender learned that the station was migrating to FM and had requested the government remove these three registrations. 

So, although the shortwave outlet was "officially" closed during January this year, one of the last loggings of the station was for the 11895 outlet on September 9th last year.

It would be interesting to know what will happen to the shortwave transmitters. Years ago, when a South or Central American station closed down, equipment was often sold for use by other broadcasters. But now, many transmitters have aged beyond the point of resale and are usually destined for the scrap heap.

So who's left?

Well, it is pretty thin on the ground. Here is a list of the regular operators:

4835    Radio Clube di Pará - Belém, PA.
4985    Radio Brasil Central - Goiánia, GO
5940    Voz Missionaría - Camboriú, SC
6010    Radio Inconfinência - Belo Horizonte, MG
6180    Radio Nacional da Amazônia - Brasilia, DF
9665    Voz Missionaría - Camboriú, SC
9819    Radio Nove de Julho, Sã0 Paulo, SP
11750    Voz Missionaría - Camboriú, SC
11780    Radio Nacional daAmazônia - Brasilia, DF
11815    Radio Brasil Central - Goiánia, GO
15190    Radio Inconfinência - Belo Horizonte, MG
15415    Radio Clube Riberão Preto - Riberão Preto, SP

The list of occasional and sporadic activations includes the following:

3365    Radio Cultura - Araraquara, SP
5035    Radio Educação Rural - Coari, AM (see below!)
6080    Radio Marumby - Curitiba, PR (hasn't been heard for some time, potentially left SW)
6150    Radio Saturno - Belo Horizonte, MG

5035   BRAZIL. R. Educação Rural - Coari, AM.
UPDATE 1 - July 8
Appears to be another reactivation attempt from this station! 1007 UTC - Plenty of “Bom Dia” greetings and roosters crowing. At 1015 a beautiful choral version, Brazilian style, of Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” (9th symphony). Then anncts and chat. 1025 - ID as “Rádio Coari”  and mentions of “Amazonia”, then a popular song. Programming on this day was mainly community (“comunidade”) anncts and interviews, with only occasional music. 1102 - ID and 7 AM time check as “las siete” - Yes, two minutes late! Fade-out around 1108. I last heard this station on June 4, 2023, so great to hear it again! The location is in the far western part of Brazil, so its fade-out is always later than eastern PY stations. July 8.
UPDATE 2 - July 9:
And again on July 9 at sign-on 1000 with the Brazilian national anthem, ID and frequencies. Then, what sounded like a prayer (an “Amen” at the end) with an instrumental version of Ave Maria in the background. 1007 - ID, rooster sounds and an extended station jingle. Time checks, filler anncts and music. A barely audible signal here compared to yesterday, so I did some co-monitoring via the Ironstone Range Kiwi SDR in South Australia, where the signal was marginally better. 

Brazil's 26 states and the Federal District.
TUBS, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

73 and good DX!

Rob Wagner VK3BVW

CLICK HERE for VK3BVW Live Stream (Clublog)

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© Rob Wagner, Mount Evelyn DX Report, and contributors 2012-2024

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