Monday, February 6, 2017


Transcribed and Translated by Alfredo Cañote

I do wish I had taken the time to record more shortwave radio broadcasts when I was a young man listening in the 1970s. But I guess I thought they would always be there on the radio dial. But alas, as we all now know, the vast majority of broadcasters from the 70s have moved on from shortwave transmissions to other forms of delivery. And a few just don't even exist any longer in any form!

On another part of this blog site, I have a section called Rare Radio, containing a few of my recordings from the past. A regular reader to MEDXR and Twitter friend, Alfredo Cañote, has kindly supplied the transcribed texts of some of these recordings and included an English translation. Here's the first one:

RADIO CONTINENTE, Caracas, Venezuela. 
Recorded on October 8, 1972, at 1000 UTC (8.00pm local time in Melbourne) on 5030 kHz.
This recording is nearly 5 minutes long but is interesting for all the sign-on announcements and formalities that happened at the start of every broadcasting day. The first thing heard was always the National Anthem (the full version, of course!....although I cut most of this for the purposes of this download). Then there was an extended station identification, listing all the outlets in the network. By the way, the music heard in the background is Leroy Anderson's famous Typewriter melody. Vigorous Venezuelan guitar music begins, but suddenly there is a two-second gap in the transmission. Eventually, we get a "Good Morning Friends" (Buenas dias amigas y amigos). I always enjoy wonderful rolling "r's" in the Superrrrrrrrr Potente slogan. 

Below is the recording, transcription and translation for you to follow along while listening to Radio Continente.

R. Continente 5030 kHz 1000 UTC October 8, 1972

SPANISH TRANSCRIPTION (Announcements from 01:30 min)

Escucharon el Himno Nacional de la República de Venezuela obra de los patriotas Vicente Salias y Juan de Landaeta

Aqui Radio Continente...super potente
YVKL en frecuencia de 590 Khz banda local
YVKM en frecuencia de 5030 Khz banda internacional
transmite desde sus estudios en Caracas
capital de la República de Venezuela
cuna del Libertador Simón Bolívar
con un mensaje de paz y optimismo
para todos los pueblos de América y del Mundo
Al comenzar las labores de este día
en el nombre de Dios Todopoderoso,
Radio Continente...super potente
presenta su mejor saludo
y republica sus postulados de servir al público
y contribuir al desarrollo de Venezuela
porque creemos en la familia que es raíz misma de la Sociedad
En el trabajo, fuente de energía para el Desarrollo
en la Ciencia, que es proyección hacia el futuro
en la Justicia, que es el derecho de todos
En la Cultura, (static crash)  de los nuevos valores
En laboral, que impulsa al Hombre hacer convivir mejor
en la Juventud que es la esperanza de un País
en la Paz que es el ambiente ideal del progreso
en la Libertad que es la esencia misma de la vida
y en la Patria que es la Gran Herencia
Radio Continente...super potente
emisora afiliada a la Cámara Venezolana de la industria de la Radiodifusión
y a la Federación de Camaras y asociaciones de comercio y producción
les desea un día de exitos
y le invita a escuchar su programación concebida sobre las bases de informar
y construir como vehículo de servicio público

A Padre Miguel!

Muy buenos días amigas y amigos
a travez de Radio Continente Superrrrrrrrrrrr Potente
con el mayor de los gustos
aqui está
Padre Miguel
un mensaje hecho por los senderos  musicales de nuestra tierra
en compañía de la copla que se convirtió en sonrisa de una muchacha llanera
por la sabana infinita cruza el canto soberano
es música de la Patria
expresión del ancho llano


You listened the National Anthem of the Republic of Venezuela created by the patriots Vicente Salias and Juan de Landaeta

Here is Radio Continente ... super powerful
YVKL 590 Khz frequency in local band 
YVKM at 5030 Khz international band
Transmits from the studios in Caracas
Capital of the Republic of Venezuela
Homeland of the Liberator Simón Bolívar
With a message of peace and optimism
For all peoples of America and the World
At the beginning of this day's work
In the name of Almighty God,
Radio Continente ... super powerful
Presents his best greeting
And republishes its postulates of serving the public
And contribute to the development of Venezuela
Because we believe in the family that is the very root of the Society
At work, energy source for development
In Science, which is projection into the future
In Justice, which is the right of all
In Culture... (static crash)...of the new values
In work, which encourages Man to live better
In the Youth, that is the hope of a Country
In Peace, which is the ideal environment of progress
In Freedom, that is the very essence of life
And in the Youth which is the Great Inheritance
Radio Continente ... super powerful
Broadcaster affiliated to the Venezuelan Chamber of the Broadcasting industry
And the Federation of Chambers and trade and production associations
Wish You a successful day
And invites You to listen to your programming conceived on the basis of inform
guide, entertain and build, as a public service vehicle.

To Father Miguel!

Good morning friends
Through Radio Continente Superrrrrrrrrrrr Powerful
With the greatest of tastes
Here he is
Father Miguel
A message made by the musical trails of our land
In the company of copla (form of Spanish song) which became the smile of a llanera girl (a plains girl - to do with the music of the Llanero culture in Colombia and Venezuela)
By the infinite savannah crosses the sovereign chant
It's homeland music
Expression of the wide land

This strikes me as being a very poetic opening collection of announcements, reflecting the nature of a proud Venezuelan people.

My thanks to Alfredo for taking the time to decipher the announcements out of all the noise in this recording! This is much appreciated, Alf!

For those who can remember, and those who enjoy radio history!

73 and good DX to you all,

Rob Wagner VK3BVW

CLICK HERE for VK3BVW Live Stream (Clublog)

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© Rob Wagner, Mount Evelyn DX Report, and contributors 2012-2021


  1. Great stuff! Continente was the first Latin I ever heard, back in the day. I recall a bunch of Venezuelans used to sign-on around the same time. They were generally on the "0" frequencies for 60 metres, whilst Colombians were on the "5's". Radio Lara 4800, Universo 4880, Juventud 4900 and Rumbos 4970 +others. Could be wrong about this, but I think Continente used to relay the news from R.Rumbos.


